How do I use the What Should I Sell component of the Capital Gains Estimator?
Using the powerful What Should I Sell component of the Capital Gains Estimator, you can specify an amount, rank sales criteria such as maximize my after-tax gain, and then have Quicken search for an optimal combination of securities to meet your specified objectives.
- From within the Capital Gains Estimator, choose What Should I Sell on the left navigation bar.
- As you work through the What Should I Sell page, you may need additional information.
- If you have employee stock options, What Should I Sell will not recommend selling any underwater options, and underwater shares will not be included in the What Should I Sell analysis.
- What Should I Sell assumes that all unexercised stock options will be treated as a same-day sale.
- If you receive an incomplete Tax Plan message after clicking Search from within What Should I Sell, you should update your tax information to ensure accurate results. Carefully review the options in Step 2 of the Choose tax rates in the Capital Gains Estimator topic before proceeding (click each radio button to view the associated option).
- If you're using What Should I Sell to evaluate whether U.S. savings bonds should be cashed in early, make sure you've entered the Savings Bond interest in the penalties field of the Transaction Fees dialog for the account from which you purchased the bond. For example if a U.S. Series I Savings Bond pays 5 percent interest, then cashing it in early would cost you the most recent 6 months interest (5 percent in this case).
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