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How do I use the Display tab to customize a report?

The options on this tab let you change the report or graph layout and hide or display certain types of information. Not all options are available for all reports and graphs.


  • Row headings (summary and comparison reports only)
  • Column headings (summary and comparison reports, and Budget report and graph only)
  • Subtotal by (transaction and investment reports)
  • Interval (account balance, net worth, portfolio value and cost basis, and balance sheet reports)
  • Sort by (transaction reports only)
  • Organization
  • Currency
    If you've enabled multicurrency support, you can select the currency you want to use for your report or graph. All monetary amounts will be converted to the selected currency, based on the exchange rate defined in the Currency list.


Depending on the report you are customizing, the relevant options will display for you to select from.

  • Cents (no rounding)
  • Totals only
  • Amount as % (summary reports)
  • Difference as % (comparison reports)
  • Difference in $ (comparison reports)
  • Account detail (balance sheet, net worth, and account balance reports)
  • Zero-balance accounts
    Select this check box to show accounts in your report that have no balance. You can also set this preference globally at Reports only preferences.

  • Breakdown of split trans. (transaction reports only)
  • Show Columns (transaction reports only)
  • Reset Columns

Note for our Canadian Customers

The following terms will be different in the Canadian releases of Quicken.

Canada: "Cheque" / United States: "Check"
Canada: "Colour" / United States: "Color"
Canada: "Centre" / United States: "Center"
Canada: "Realise" / United States: "Realize"
Canada: "Behaviour" / United States: "Behavior"
Canada: "Analyse" / United States: "Analyze"

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