How do I specify shares to sell and price? (Capital Gains Estimator)
In the Estimator window, under Step 2, specify the number of shares you'd like to sell from this lot, and the sale price you anticipate for each security.
To remove lots from your proposed scenario, double-click the security name under Step 2.
The table under Step 2 will display the gain on the sale and the gross proceeds from the sale (sale price multiplied by number of shares sold) without taking tax into account. To see how this affects your total tax liability, make sure you're using Tax Planner data, and then look under Total Gross Proceeds from Proposed Sales under Step 3.
Hidden securities aren't included (unless you clicked Options on the Security List and selected View Hidden Securities). Securities in tax-deferred accounts such as 401(k) accounts and IRAs are not included, but tax-free securities such as tax-free municipal bonds are included.
In addition, securities held in hidden accounts are not included.