How do I sell or redeem a U.S. Savings bond?
- In the Account Bar, select the account you want to use.
- Click Enter Transaction.
- In the Enter Transaction list, choose Sell - Shares Sold.
- In the Number of Shares field, enter the number of savings bonds.
- In the Price field, enter the price you paid per bond (the difference between your purchase price and the redemption price is taxable interest).
- Select the account you'd like the amount of the sale deposited in.
- Identify the lots you want to use for this transaction.
- Use the Income dialog to record the remainder of the proceeds (the difference between the purchase and redemption price referred to above) as interest income.
- If you haven't been tracking ongoing interest, add add it now. (Optional)
- Enter a negative return of capital to cancel out the sale proceeds and correctly represent the bond's tax free status.