If a customer cancels an order that hasn't been paid for, you can issue a credit using the customer credit form. The customer credit form is basically an invoice with a negative amount.
Open the accountthat you use to track this customer's payments and invoices.
Click (the Account Actions icon), and then chooseNew Credit.
At the top of the Credit form, fill out the customer information area.
Enter the canceled items in the line item area.
If you want to preview the credit form, clickPrint. Then clickPreview.
You see how the printed credit form will look and you can go back and make any changes if necessary.
If you want to print theCreditform, clickPrint. Then clickEnter.
Quicken enters the credit in the invoices/receivables register which decreases the customer's outstanding balance.
This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. Learn how you canupgrade Quickenin minutes.
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