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How do I export my portfolio to Excel?

Exporting your portfolio to Excel using Quicken provides you with a tangible and organized overview of your investments and financial data. This is ideal for in-depth analysis, consultations with financial advisors, or for maintaining an offline record. To successfully export your portfolio from Quicken into an Excel spreadsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Investing Portfolio.
  2. Within the Portfolio section, locate the Export button on the right side, adjacent to the Options button.
  3. Click on the Export button, which will unveil a dropdown or list of available export options.
  4. From the available choices, select Export to Excel.
  5. A dialog box will prompt you to assign a name to your exported file.
  6. Determine and select an appropriate location on your computer to save the Excel file.
  7. Select Save, finalizing the export procedure. Your portfolio information will now be stored as an Excel file in the chosen location.

Ensure you have Microsoft Excel or a compatible spreadsheet program installed on your computer to access and analyze the exported portfolio data.

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