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How do I enter a new trip? (Business)

  1. Click the Business tab, then click the Business Tools button and choose Mileage Tracker.
  2. If this is your first trip, simply start entering information. If it isn't your first trip, select an empty record and then enter information.
  3. Enter the trip start and end dates, or select them from the pop-up calendars provided.
  4. In the Trip Type list, select the type of trip.

    What happens next?

    Quicken displays the corresponding mileage rate to the left of the field, or an empty field where you can enter the appropriate mileage for Other trip types. The trip types listed correspond to the following types of miles, most of them tax-deductible:

    • Business: Schedule C
    • Charity: Schedule A
    • Medical: Schedule A
    • Rental Property: Schedule E
    • Unreimbursed Business: Schedule A
    • Other: Use this type for any type of mileage, including miles tracked for personal reasons such as a vacation, or miles reimbursed by your business but not at the IRS rate.

    Note that you can only edit the mileage rate for trips of type "Other."

  5. In the Business Name field, enter the business the trip is for.

    How does Quicken use this information?

    When you add a business to Quicken, Quicken can use the name you enter here to display your deduction information by business in the Tax Planner, the Profit & Loss page in the Business tab, and the Tax Schedule and Schedule C reports. The business name also tells Quicken whether the business is owned by Self or Spouse in the Tax Planner.

  6. In the Purpose field, enter the purpose of the trip. (Optional)

    What is a trip purpose?

    Use this field for any information you want to track, such as the vehicle's driver if you're tracking mileage for several drivers. Quicken remembers this purpose; if you want, you can select it in the list when you enter your next trip.

  7. In the Start Location field, enter the starting location.
  8. In the Destination field enter the trip destination. (Optional)
  9. In the Vehicle Used field, enter the vehicle you used. (Optional)
  10. In the Parking & Toll field, enter the total paid for parking and toll charges, if any. (Optional)
  11. Enter odometer readings for the start and end of the trip or a value for total miles traveled. You cannot enter both odometer readings and total miles traveled.
  12. Click Record Trip.


  • Whether you can deduct mileage from your taxes sometimes depends on whether the deductible amount has reached a certain percentage of your adjusted gross income. Before deducting mileage costs based on information from the Vehicle Mileage Tracker, check with your tax professional.
  • Quicken includes tax-deductible mileage categories in your Quicken Category List. These categories begin with the prefix "_Mileage." They already have the correct tax schedule line items associated with them. Don't edit or delete these categories.

This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes.

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