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How do I delete a unit?

You can delete a unit from a multiunit property only if there are no income or expense transactions associated with the unit. Moreover, a multiunit property must have at least one units. You can delete the remaining units as long as there are no transactions associated with the units.

If you no longer want to track a unit that has associated transactions, don’t delete it. You’ll lose all historical data. Instead, you can choose to hide the unit in Property List, the Profit/Loss view in Rental Property tab, the Mileage Tracker, and the Tax Schedule and Schedule E reports. Quicken retains all of the historical rental property transactions with their original rental property tags.

  1. Click the Rental Property tab.
  2. Click the Properties & Tenants button and choose Show Property List.
  3. Select the rental property that has the unit you want to delete.
    • Why can’t I see my rental property in this list?
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Select the Hide unit check box if you want to hide the unit in the Property List, the Profit/Loss view in Rental Property tab, the Mileage Tracker, and the Tax Schedule and Schedule E reports.
  6. Click Delete next to the unit if you want to delete the unit.
    • Can I switch from multiunit property to single unit property?
  7. Click OK.


You can delete a unit only if there are no transactions and no tenants associated with the unit.

More Information

Delete rental property

This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. This feature is not available in Canada, Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes. 

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