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How do I delete a business?

If you're tracking more than one business in Quicken and have selected the check box called Untagged business transactions belong to this business for any of them, deleting any business information can compromise your historical business data.

When you delete the information about a business, Quicken removes the business name from the Profit/Loss page in the Business tab, the Vehicle Mileage Tracker, and the Tax Schedule and Schedule C reports. However Quicken retains all of the historical business transactions with their original business tags. Because the business tag in these retained historical transactions is no longer associated with a business, the historical business transactions that include this business tag appears with the business for which you've selected the check box called Untagged business transactions belong to this business.

  1. Click the Business tab.
  2. Click the Business Tools button and choose Manage Business Information.
  3. Select the business you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes.

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