Create more space to work with your register or transaction list
Minimize the panels at the bottom of transaction registers
For banking and investing accounts:
- You can minimize the download transactions and bill reminders panel (in banking account registers) and placeholder entries panel (in investing account registers). Simply click the collapse (minus) icon on the upper left side of the panel. To expand the panel, click the expand (plus) icon.
- You can always use this option (for example, whether or not your account is activated for online services, or whether or not you have bill and income reminders).
- For banking accounts that haven't been activated for online access, you have an additional option to completely hide this area (including the tabs).
Minimize the Account Bar
- To make the Account Bar smaller, drag its edge.
- To entirely hide the Account Bar, select the Don't display the Account Bar option in the Setup Preferences window.
- To restore a hidden Account Bar, edit the setup preferences, or click the plus (+) icon.
Use pop-up registers
- Choose View menu > Use Pop-up Registers.
- To stop using pop-up registers, click Use Pop-up Registers in the View menu again.
Hide tool bar and main tabs
Simply click the Hide ToolBar and Main Tabs icon on the upper right side of the title bar.
Increase my computer's video display resolution
You can increase the amount of information that appears on your screen by setting the video display to a higher resolution. You can usually do this from the Windows Control Panel (for specific steps, consult the Help system for your version of Windows).
At higher display resolutions, text on the screen appears smaller and potentially harder to read.