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About projecting cash flow (rental property)

Quicken provides many of the same tools to help you determine the financial status of your rental property spending accounts that it provides to help you determine the financial status of your personal and business spending accounts. Using the same model for both types of accounts, most of the short- and medium-term tools are based on bill and income reminders.

Chances are your bills don’t all arrive on the same day. They trickle in, and you try to pay each one in a timely fashion. To save time and effort, you can have Quicken remind you when a bill is due, then you can pay the bill the way you usually do: with a check,(Cheque in Canada) an online payment, or a direct withdrawal.

Also remember to tell Quicken about your income, and when you expect it. Then when payday comes around, Quicken can enter your paycheck in the register automatically. Of course you may need to make a few adjustments to the amounts, but entering at least an estimate of your paycheck is important if you want to use the Projected Balances graph.

What can I do?

This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. This feature is not available in Canada, Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes. 

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