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Version 7.10 (October-November 2024)

Online Backup

  • NEW Automatically backup your financial data and Quicken will keep it safe in case of hardware failure or other emergencies (available in v7.9.1 or later releases as a separate subscription)


  • NEW The new Capital Gain Estimator lets you create a stock sales scenario that works for you with an estimate of your net proceeds and tax implications (available in DeluxePremier, and Business & Personal subscriptions)

  • IMPROVED Enhancements have been made to the Security Detail feature

Zillow Integration

  • NEW Use automatic Zillow updates to keep your property estimated market values current (available in the US for Premier and Business & Personal subscriptions)


  • NEW Export your Loan Payment Schedule (amortization) to a .csv file

Future macOS Requirements

  • ANNOUNCEMENT 7.10 is the last release with support for macOS 11

7.10.1 Bug Fixes and Enhancements

  • IMPROVED We have made Capital Gains Estimator improvements and fixed bugs

  • FIXED We addressed a number of issues with Zillow® property value updates

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