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Understanding the default business

At the heart of Quicken's business tools lies the concept of a Default Business. It's like an anchor for all things business-related within the software.

Imagine you have a basket of transactions, all related to your various business ventures. Now, in Quicken's world, no transaction that's labeled as business can just float around. It needs a home, a business to belong to.

If you've got just one business, Quicken takes the guesswork out and auto-attaches any business transaction to it. You won't need to manually specify it each time.

Multiple businesses

If you're an entrepreneurial superstar with multiple businesses, that's where the Default Business plays its part. It's Quicken's way of knowing where to slot a transaction if you haven't specified a particular business. You can always change the business for a transaction, but especially when you download transactions from your financial institution, Quicken will assume it is for your Default Business.

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