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Entering cash transactions

A cash account in Quicken for Mac is used to manually track cash transactions that do not go through a bank. This includes expenses paid with physical cash and income received in cash. Unlike checking accounts, cash accounts do not support online banking features, such as downloading transactions or paying bills. Instead, you enter each transaction manually to maintain an accurate record of your cash flow.

Differences Between Cash and Checking Account Entries

Transactions entered in a cash account differ from those in a checking account in several ways:


Cash Account Entries

Checking Account Entries

Transaction Source

Entered manually from receipts or memory

Downloaded from the bank or entered manually


Compared to physical cash on hand

Reconciled with bank statements

Checks & Payments

No check writing or electronic transfers

Supports checks, direct deposits, and bill payments

Overdraft Protection

Not applicable

May have overdraft protection

Because cash transactions must be entered manually, maintaining a habit of recording purchases regularly will help keep an accurate financial record.

Entering Cash Transactions

A cash account functions similarly to other manual accounts in Quicken, with the key difference being that transactions must be entered manually based on receipts or personal records. You can also categorize expenses and split transactions if necessary.

To enter a cash transaction:

  1. Select a cash account from the Accounts section of the sidebar.

  2. Choose Transactions > New Transaction in the menu. Alternatively, click New in the toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘N.

  3. Enter information in as many fields as you want to track:

    • Date: The date the cash transaction occurred.

    • Payee: The store, service provider, or person you paid.

    • Category: The expense or income category (e.g., "Groceries" or "Reimbursement").

    • Amount: The total amount of the transaction.

    • Memo (optional): Additional details about the transaction.

  4. If one cash receipt covers multiple items that need different categories, click Split split.jpgto segment the transaction.

  5. Click Save to enter the transaction.

Adjusting Your Cash Balance

If you do not want to enter every small cash transaction, you can enter an adjustment transaction instead:

  1. Select a cash account from the Accounts section of the sidebar.

  2. Choose Transactions > New Transaction in the menu. Alternatively, click New in the toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut

  3. Enter the adjustment amount as a transaction.

  4. Categorize it as "Miscellaneous Expenses" or a similar category.

  5. Click Save.

This method helps maintain an accurate balance without tracking every minor transaction.

Notes and Tips

  • Record transactions promptly: Entering transactions as they happen reduces the chance of forgetting expenses.

  • Keep receipts: Store receipts until you have recorded all transactions in Quicken.

  • Use categories effectively: Proper categorization improves accuracy in reports.

  • Review your cash account: Periodically count your cash and compare it to Quicken’s balance to catch any discrepancies.

  • Use split transactions: If a single receipt covers multiple categories, splitting the transaction ensures accurate financial tracking.

By consistently maintaining your cash account, you can track your cash spending effectively and ensure that your financial records remain accurate.

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