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Changing or removing a data file password

Your data file password helps protect your financial information from unauthorized access. You may want to change your password periodically for security reasons or if you suspect it has been compromised. Removing the password allows you to open your data file without authentication, which may be useful if you no longer need password protection or if multiple trusted users access the file. However, removing the password makes your financial data more accessible, so consider whether this is the right choice before proceeding.

Change your data file password

To update your password:

  1. In Quicken, choose FileSet File Password.

  2. Click Remove Password.

  3. Enter your existing password.

  4. Click Set Password.

  5. Enter a new password.

  6. Enter the new password again in the Verify field.

  7. Enter a hint to help you remember the new password.

  8. Click Set Password.

Remove your data file password

To remove the password from your data file:

  1. In Quicken, choose FileSet File Password.

  2. Click Remove Password.

  3. Enter your existing password.

  4. Click Remove Password.

Removing your password disables security protections for your financial data. Only do this if you are sure your file does not need password protection.

If you forget your password, you cannot access your file. Store your password in a secure location to prevent data loss.

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