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Handling billable expenses

Marking transactions as billable ensures they can be invoiced to clients accurately and tracked appropriately in your financial records. In Quicken, expenses are initially recorded in the register to categorize them correctly. To designate an expense as billable and associate it with a client or project, the process must be completed in the Invoice View. Many transactions are automatically downloaded and do not need to be entered manually, but they may still need proper categorization. This topic explains how to manage billable expenses effectively.

Quick overview

Here are the basic steps to categorize and associate a transaction as billable:

  1. Record the expense in the Register under the appropriate account (if not automatically downloaded).

  2. Verify that the transaction is categorized as a business expense, contains a business and a client, and is marked as billable.

  3. Edit the invoice you want to add the expense to.

  4. Use Add to Invoice to assign the expense to the invoice.

Use the detailed instructions below for further guidance.

Categorizing a transaction as an expense

Recording and categorizing the expense in the register

All expenses begin in the register, where you can input details such as the payee, amount, and category. For downloaded transactions, review and update any missing details as needed. To record or edit an expense:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate account register

  2. Edit the transaction details. The transaction must contain the Business, Client, and Business Expense category.

  3. Mark the transaction as billable.

  4. Save the transaction to categorize it as an expense.

Adding a billable expense to an invoice

Once an expense is recorded and categorized, you can make it billable by adding it to an invoice:

  1. Open the Invoices tab under Business.

  2. Select Create Invoice or edit an existing invoice.

  3. In the invoice editor, open Add to Invoice and click the + by the expense you wish to add.

  4. Verify the details of the expense, including the client or project it is associated with.

  5. Save the invoice to finalize the addition of the billable expense.

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