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Adding miscellaneous expenses

Use the Miscellaneous Expense transaction type to record an expense associated with a security or account, but not directly related to the price of securities being purchased. For example, broker's fees, mutual fund management fees, etc. You can categorize such transactions as miscellaneous.

To record a miscellaneous expense

  1. Select the investment account you want to use and click the Transactions tab.
  2. Click the Transactions tab and then click the New Transaction icon in the register toolbar.
  3. Select Miscellaneous Expense from the Transaction Types list.
  4. Add the information for:
    • Date - Enter the date when the miscellaneous expense was incurred.
    • Security - Select the security for which you want to add the expenses. If the security does not appear in the list of securities, select Edit Securities to add it.
    • Amount - Enter the amount paid towards the expense.
    • Category - Select the category of the expense. The default is Uncategorized.
    • Memo - Enter the note you want to associate with the transaction.
    • Tags - Enter the tags that you want to use when searching for the transaction.
  5. To add an attachment, go to the Attachments tab, click the Add attachment button, and select the file you want to attach to the transaction.
  6. Click Save when you are done.

Note: Recording a transaction in Quicken does not execute a real-world trade, transfer, or other transactions. Contact your broker to execute trades or transfers.

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