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Adding a data file password

Setting a password on your data file helps protect your financial information from unauthorized access. This is especially important if you share your computer, use a laptop in public spaces, or store sensitive financial details in your file. Once a password is set, you must enter it each time you open the file. However, if you forget the password, you will not be able to access your data, so ensure you store it securely.

Add a data file password

To add a password to your data file:

  1. In Quicken, choose FileSet File Password.
  2. Click Set Password.
  3. Enter a password.
  4. Enter the password again in the Verify field.
  5. Enter a hint to help you remember the password.
  6. Click Set Password.

Your password is case-sensitive. Choose a strong password that is difficult to guess but easy for you to remember.

After setting the file password, you can also select Allow Touch ID to unlock this file to use your fingerprint to access the file.

Consider using a password manager to securely store your data file password in case you forget it.

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