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Your brokerage may use a money market fund to represent the cash balance in this account

Do you want to track your cash balance as cash balance or as shares of a money market fund security?

  • (Recommended) If you want to track the performance of your cash equivalents, choose Convert this fund into my cash balance. You can make simple cash transactions and easily track the cash balance of your investment account. In the background, Quicken will track the associated money market fund for you and calculate performance based on Dividend and Interest transactions.
  • If you prefer to enter money market fund transactions manually, choose Track it as a security. Your financial institution may download a Buy or Sell transaction of your money market fund for every transaction that increases or decreases your cash balance, respectively.


  • The option to track money market shares as cash isn't available for all financial institutions. For more information about availability, as well as other information about tracking cash in an investment account, see Deciding how to track cash in an investment account.
  • If the option to track a money market fund as a security is available for your financial institution, and you initially choose to track the money market fund as a security, you can convert the fund to cash later. However, once you select to convert a money market fund to cash, you may not be able to convert it back to a money market fund later.
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