What if the investment performance report shows too high a return?
Change the report date range to cover a period of 365 days or longer.
For investments held less than a year, Quicken extrapolates the full year. For example, a return of 10 percent in six months is projected to 20 percent for a full year assuming that returns in the second six months will be the same as the first six months.
Extrapolation generally works well for income-oriented investments, such as interest-earning bonds and stocks with high-dividend yields because interest and dividends usually don't vary much within a year.
Extrapolation generally does not work well for growth-oriented investments. Results in a partial-year period may not be representative. In these cases, select a performance report date range that represents the current year rather than the year-to-date basis.
Because Quicken assumes that year-end prices are the same as current prices when valuing your investments at year-end, this report will show your investment performance without assuming any further price appreciation (or drop). Because the report covers exactly one year, the results will be neither extrapolated nor prorated; they will be the actual percent gain or loss so far this year.