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Tell me about analyzing my portfolio with X-ray analysis

Before analyzing your portfolio using X-Ray, you should download the latest Quotes. This ensures that the X-Ray will include all the securities for analysis.

  1. Click the Investing tab, and then select the Portfolio X-Ray tab.
  2. Click the Getting Started button.
  3. Accept the terms and conditions and click the Continue button.
  4. The Morningstar X-Ray page is displayed. It has two tabs, the X-Ray Interpreter and the Stock Intersection tabs.
  5. Select the portfolio that you want to analyze from the Accounts drop-down list.
  6. Choose the view and benchmark as required. The reports are displayed.

To learn more about the Morningstar X-Ray Interpreter, click the User Guide link. To open the PDF file, you can install Adobe Reader XI from Adobe.

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