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Remind the tenant about rent

If a tenant has an upcoming or overdue rent payment, you can send a reminder email using Rent Center. The email reminder includes payment details and can be customized before sending.

Send a rent reminder

  1. In the Rental Property tab, select Rent Center.

  2. Select the tenant you want to remind.

  3. Select Remind. The rent reminder template opens in the Email Preview window.

  4. In Email, enter the tenant’s email address. If the tenant’s contact information is saved in Address Book, the email address is filled in automatically.

  5. Review the email and make any necessary edits. You can update:

    • The subject line

    • The message content

    • Payment details (if needed)

  6. Select Send Email to send the reminder.

What happens next

  • The tenant receives the email with rent details and a reminder to make a payment.

  • If you track rent payments in Rent Center, you can check back later to see if the payment has been recorded.

  • If the tenant has already paid but the payment is not reflected in Rent Center, you may need to manually update the payment status.

This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. This feature is not available in Canada, Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes. 

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