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How do I record the retirement of a Ginnie Mae bond?

GNMAs are mortgage-backed securities that are issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (a.k.a. Ginnie Mae) and guaranteed by the federal government. If you hold a Ginnie Mae bond until it returns all of its principal, it becomes worthless. You need to record this information in your investment account. 

  1. Open the account you want to use.
  2. Click Enter Transactions.
  3. In the Enter Transaction list, choose Sell - Shares Sold.
  4. In the Security name field, select the bond.
  5. In the Number of shares field, enter the face amount of the bond divided by 100.
  6. In the Price received field, enter 0.
  7. Identify the lots you want to use for this transaction.


  • Should there be a capital gain or loss when retiring a Ginnie Mae bond?
  • Should you record both Interest Income events and Return of Capital?
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