How do I invoice taxable items to tax-exempt customers?
At times, you may need to temporarily mark a taxable item as nontaxable when invoicing a tax‑exempt customer—such as a charitable organization. This topic explains how to change an item’s taxable status on an invoice and how to record a customer’s tax‑exempt status.
Temporarily changing taxable status on an invoice
Open the invoice:
Go to Business > Invoices & Estimates and create or open the relevant invoice.Remove the tax indicator:
Delete the T in the Tax column for the taxable item. This change applies only to that invoice; the item remains taxable on all other invoices.Confirm the update:
Verify that the tax amount is no longer calculated on the invoice.
Recording tax‑exempt status note in customer records
For customers that are frequently tax‑exempt, you can add a note in their customer record to help prevent future errors.
Open the customer record:
Navigate to Business > Customers. Locate and open the record for the tax‑exempt customer.Add a note:
In the Notes field under Miscellaneous, enter details indicating that the customer is tax‑exempt. Include their tax‑exempt ID if available.Save the record:
Save your changes to update the customer information.
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