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How do I compare my broker's downloaded holdings to my Quicken portfolio?

Every time you download and accept transactions from your brokerage, Quicken checks for accuracy. Use the Compare to Portfolio window to check for discrepancies, and then to enter an adjustment if your Quicken portfolio and your brokerage's online holdings records don't agree.

  1. If you haven't already done so, download the latest account information and accept it into your investment account transaction list.
  2. If Quicken doesn't prompt you to compare your portfolio, choose Tools menu > Online Center.
  3. In the Online Center's Financial Institution drop-down list, select the appropriate brokerage or financial institution.
  4. On the Holdings tab, select the appropriate account at this financial institution from the account list.
  5. To see all of your holdings, select All in the Security Type list.
  6. Click the Compare to Portfolio button.
    • If there is no discrepancy between your Quicken portfolio holdings and your broker's holdings information, Quicken displays a message that they are in agreement.
    • If there is a discrepancy, Quicken displays the Adjust holdings amount dialog. Use this dialog to enter any necessary adjustments.


  • What's different when I'm downloading for the first time?
  • What if I have more than one account at a single financial institution?
  • Why does the Online Center seem to display different amounts?
  • Why are the amounts in my Quicken portfolio and holdings different from my broker's online records?
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