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How do I buy a bond? (U.S. Savings bond or EE)

First, add the bond to your Security List

  1. Click the Investing tab.
  2. Click the Tools button, and choose Security List.
  3. Click New Security.
  4. Enter a meaningful name, such as US $1000-6% 01/24 for the purchase of a E/EE U.S. Savings bonds, with a face value of $1000 and a maturity date of 1/20/24. If you have more than one savings bond, make sure the name you enter here is unique. Click Next.
  5. Click Add manually.
  6. In the Security Type list, select U.S. Savings Bond.
  7. Click Next and follow the on-screen instructions. Quicken may not display all the fields described below, depending on the information you enter.
    • Asset Class: Select Domestic Bond.
    • Maturity Date: Enter the maturity date (the date on which the principal amount of a note, draft, acceptance bond or other debt instrument becomes due)

Second, record the bond purchase

To track your holdings, enter a Buy transaction in one of your Quicken investment accounts. When you do this, keep in mind that U.S. Savings Bonds are tracked according to their cost per single bond, so:

  • Enter the number of bonds you bought (or own) in the Number of shares field.
  • Enter the cost per bond (not the total cost of all bonds) in the Price paid field.

Example: If you bought a single paper bond with a face value of $50, you most likely paid $25 for it. You would enter 1 as the number of shares and $25 as the price paid.

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