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Enter information about your salary (Lifetime Planner)

  1. Enter your salary information and then click OK.
  2. If you have included your spouse in your plan, click New again and add your spouse's salary only.
  3. Enter future salary adjustments.
    • Select the salary you want to adjust and click New to add an adjustment.
    • Select an existing adjustment and click Edit to change the information about it.


  • Tips about salary start and end dates
  • Tips about what to include under gross annual salary
  • Tips about estimating salary increases
  • Tips about entering employment status information
  • Tips about using the Social Security tax check box
  • Tips about anticipating salary changes
  • Currency tips
  • General tips

Return to Get started with the Lifetime Planner.

Not Available in Canada

This tool is unavailable for users of our Canadian products.

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