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Enter information about your retirement benefits (Lifetime Planner)

  1. Enter Social Security information for yourself and your spouse, if your spouse is included in your plan. If you don't know your benefits or your spouse's benefits or the ages at which either of you will start drawing them out, click Estimate.
  2. For Reduce the estimated benefit amount, select Yes if you believe that Social Security will be cut back or eliminated by the time you retire, or you simply don't want to rely on it. Then enter the percentage by which you think it will be cut back. (Optional)
  3. Under Pension Benefits, click New to add a pension, or select a pension and click Edit to change the information about it.


  • Tips about entering retirement benefits
  • Tips about entering Social Security benefits
  • Tips about entering pension benefits
  • Tips about excess minimum distribution
  • Currency tips
  • General tips

Not Available in Canada

This tool is unavailable for users of our Canadian products.

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