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Enter information about living expenses (Lifetime Planner)

  1. Select a method for entering your living expenses:
    • Rough estimate
    • Category detail
    Estimate your expenses as accurately as possible because they are assessed in every year of your plan.
  2. Enter the percentage of your surplus cash (cash left over after paying your living expenses and other expenses entered elsewhere in the Lifetime Planner) that you want to put in savings and investments.


  • Tips on using the rough estimate method
  • Tips on using the category detail method
  • Tips on entering surplus cash information
  • Tips on entering living expense information if you use the Debt Reduction Planner
  • What counts as a living expense?
  • Currency tips
  • General tips

Return to Get started with the Lifetime Planner.

Not Available in Canada

This tool is unavailable for users of our Canadian products.

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