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About dealing with rental property taxes

Quicken can help in preparing all the forms and schedules you need to return to the IRS. The more carefully you set up your Quicken data, the more information Quicken can help you gather.

Quicken helps you deal with your rental taxes in two ways: by tracking rental expenses, and by exporting rental property data into tax preparation software. If you're using software other than TurboTax, you export data by running certain tax reports that create .TXF files; your tax software then imports these files. TurboTax can read Quicken data directly, so you don't even have to run these special reports.

What can I do to prepare for rental property taxes?

Frequently asked questions

  • What about Schedule E information?

This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. This feature is not available in Canada, Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes. 

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