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Adding a billable expense to an invoice

Adding billable expenses to an invoice ensures accurate billing for your clients and seamless tracking of reimbursable costs. In Quicken, you can select billable expenses and include them directly in your invoices. Follow these instructions to manage this process effectively.

Quick Overview

For a quick overview, here are the basic actions:

  1. Open the New Invoice or Edit Invoice screen.

  2. Select the Billable Expenses option to view available billable transactions.

  3. Add the desired expense(s) to the invoice.

  4. Save and send the invoice.

Use the detailed instructions below for more guidance.

Adding a billable expense to an invoice

  1. Navigate to Business > Invoices and select Create Invoice or choose an existing invoice to edit.

  2. In the Invoice Details section, locate the Billable Expenses option.

  3. Select the billable expenses you want to include in the invoice:

    • Quicken will display all billable expenses associated with the selected client or project.

    • Use the checkboxes to select the specific transactions to add.

  4. Review the added expenses:

    • The description, amount, and any associated tax rates will populate in the Products/Services table on the invoice.

    • You can adjust the description or tax rate if necessary.

  5. Save or send the invoice:

    • Select Save as Draft if you want to review or modify the invoice later.

    • Select Save and Send to email the invoice directly to your client.

Filtering available billable expenses

You can filter the list of billable expenses displayed during invoice creation:

  1. Use the Date Range filter to narrow the list to recent transactions.

  2. Verify the Client/Project filter to ensure the correct client or project is selected.

  3. Review the list of expenses and select only those that apply to the invoice.

Things to keep in mind

  • Once a billable expense is added to an invoice, it can no longer be used for another invoice.

  • If an expense is incorrectly added to an invoice, you must remove it from the invoice to make it available again.

  • Adding a billable expense to an invoice automatically links the expense to the invoice, ensuring accurate tracking in your financial records.

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